Dounia lives with her dad and brothers in a high tower on the outskirts of the city. She has cool for two and plans for three. And today she is addressing you. Because she has something important to say. She does her own talking. The way she does everything her way. If it doesn't sound, it just collides. Also fine! She is here to be heard ....
Dounia B. succeeds Bart Van Nuffelen's success production Dinska Bronska. Another exciting duet between an actress and an animated film. Again a monologue in obscene language. But above all: again the compelling story of a contemporary heroine.
The wonderful actress Evgenia B. gives voice to Dounia B., a very ordinary girl who, like all girls, on closer inspection harbors an unusual story. Animation wizard Remy M. N. brings her world to life in an enchanting animation film. Writer Bart V. N. distills a gripping story from a hundred testimonies.
Game: Evgenia Brendes | Text: Bart Van Nuffelen | Director: Bart Van Nuffelen in collaboration with. Evgenia Brendes & Tim Clement | Head of animation & image direction: Remy M. Ndow | Editing & light & soundscape: Tim Clement | Decor: Erki De Vries | Research & substantive advice: Joyce Loir | Costumes & Choreography: Nushi Lambreva | Language advice: Ine Schelfhout | Music Milco Geryl, Jazz Maeson & Faisal Chatar | Artistic follow-up: Silke De Bruyne | Animation: Tom Metdepenningen | Animation assistance: Michel Busschots & Robin Martens | Production manager: Linde Raedschelders | Text coach: Johan Petit | Stage directing assistance: Loes Welkenhuysen | Voice actors: Gert Jochems, Sergej Loupouchanski, Marianne Loots, Rita Van Wesemael, Lea Couzin, Greg Timmermans | Children's voices: Amir Al-Galal, Liv De Ridder, Matiz Geubels, Ernesto Mortelmans, Maud Theuwissen, Damla Wijman, Lorenzo Morelli, Mudalawal Larry, Diogo Ferreira Felizar | Game teacher research phase: Floor Hengeveld | Internship research phase: Heleen Soontjens | Thanks to: Renee, Rik and Sam - Caroline Rochlitz - all schools and classes where we have collected this story - Lyria Habarugira, Mohamed Barrie, Oscar Coppieters and girls team U8 and U10 of the City Pirates - Joeri and Jef van De Luchtballon - De World Traveler - Jessie van De Kleine Jacob - Stijn Oosterlynck - Anja Geuns - Ilse Daems - Adinda Vandezande - Elke Vandeneynde - Kobe Vandevelde - and of course the entire and complete MartHa! Production & realization: hetpaleis & MartHa! Tentatief | This performance was realized with the support of Tax Shelter from the Belgian Federal Government, Tax Shelter fundraising: Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter Empowered by Belfius / Isabelle Molhant.