In the performance 'Nachtwaken', seven girls take you through their house where there is a memory in every place. They tell about their brother, their father and mother. About their normal life. They carry a secret with them. An event that put a stop to that normal life.
'Nightwatching' is a diptych. The first is a theater adaptation of the short story 'Esther in the night' by A.M. Holmes. In it, a mother (played by Els Roobroeck) talks about her son who had a serious car accident. He is in a coma and is kept alive by machines.
In addition, 'Nachtwaken' is a music theater performance for young people, performed by seven students from the Actors Training at Vista College. Directed by Els Roobroeck, who also takes on the role of the mother. Both parts of the diptych are flanked by the musical composition of the Flemish composer and musician Kwinten Mordijck.
'Nachtwaken' is a co-production between COVAR and Cultura Nova and is made possible in part by the Province of Limburg, Lirafonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Zabawas foundation.