“To believe with certainty, we must begin with doubting”
(Stanislaw Leszczynski)
Do you still walk under a ladder or would you rather take a stroll? Are you aware of Friday the 13th? Today's society is driven by technology that makes us forget to have human contact. Traditionally, folk festivals and the associated rituals served for human contact. After the successful performances, "When The Birds Fly Low The Wind Will Blow" and "In Absentia", Helder Seabra brings a new dance production "LORE". Drawing on his Portuguese background, he focuses in this performance on superstitions and age-old traditions that are now fading. Helder Seabra is intrigued by what our body can do; how far it can be driven and how we amaze ourselves. In LORE, Seabra explores the limits of physical ability. Strengthened by a fantastic group of dancers with a past with Ultima Vez and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, they perform a very physical and energetic dance performance.
Photos shown here are not scene images of the performance itself, but images of a test setup on stage of the set. The scenography for 'Lore' was created with the help of Barbara Vandecauter. Due to circumstances, the performance is currently on tour without decor elements.
Choreographer: Helder Seabra | Music: Stijn Vanmarsenille and Elias Devoldere | Dance: Annamari Keskinen, Mieke Laureys, Joris Baltz, Leif Firnhaber and Julio Ungo Iglesias | Set design: Freija Van Esbroeck